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A FORTIFIED Evaluator is an independent third party who is responsible for verifying that the Fortified process has been followed.
It is vital that your contractor understand the Fortified Process! We recommend choosing a Certified Fortified Contractor.
Whether you’re re-roofing your existing home or building a new one, there’s a FORTIFIED solution that can help you strengthen your home and be better prepared to protect you from the severe weather you may face.
Things you want to be aware of when reviewing options for a FORTIFIED Roof in
South East Louisiana!
A professional engineer must provide an assessment that the existing attachment of the supporting platform to the roof structure AND the attachment of the HVAC unit to the supporting platform is adequate to support all gravity and wind loads (including overturning loads) for the site conditions and provide repairs or retrofits as applicable. A professional engineer must inspect and verify that all the above requirements are met and provide a signed and sealed letter of compliance detailing that each requirement has been met. This letter must be provided to IBHS as part of the required eligibility documentation for the home. Because these requirements determine whether a home is eligible for designation, it is recommended that the inspection and verification of the roof-mounted HVAC requirements is complete before beginning any other work.
Roof Mounted HVAC Condencer Stand Requierments!

Great News!
Heckerr Ridge Tiles Have been Approved By IBHS.
Please visit their Website for more information.
Hecker Ridge Tiles
Decorative Terracotta Ridge Caps are quite common. Currently, They do not meet the Fortified Standard.

Operational Gable end vents must have removable shutters under FORTIFIED Standard Detail
F-GS-1Take this into consideration when designing new construction.

The Foundation of the Subject Property needs to be investigated. A Dry Stack Foundation does not qualify for a FORTIFIED Roof. The Foundation must be Mortered.

All roof-mounted ventilation Ridge and Off Ridge Vents must be TSA 100(A) Rated and anchored to the roof in compliance with the manufacturer-recommended installation for high winds.

There are currently 30 FORTIFIED Technical Bulletins posted on the Fortified Web Site. This is where the majority of your questions can be answered.
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